
feet with left and right arrows

8 Benefits of Booking Direct

There are several smart reasons to avoid booking through portals or channels like Airbnb VRBO and Here are 5X good reasons to arrange accommodation directly for your next trip.

cleaning costs

Cleaning Costs in Short-Term Rentals – The Hidden Truth

At first glance the costs associated with the housekeeping for short term lets can seem like highway robbery. Let’s take a moment to understand the hidden costs that have to be accounted for and why cleaning costs are so high lately.

Switch to Short-term rentals

Long-term Rentals vs Short-term Stays – What Are The Differences?

When it comes to renting out a property, there is a big difference between short-term and long-term stays. If you’re thinking of making the switch from one to the other, it’s important to be aware of all the potential implications before doing so.

Short Term Rentals

Short Term Rentals – Not Just a Holiday?

Many people (including property owners) hear the words “short-term rentals” and grimace. They conjure up images of 10 people sharing a 3-bedroom vacation rental or a mansion holiday home for the weekend, partying until 4 am; resulting in a massive clear up for the owners and neighbours left with a bad taste in their mouths.

Book a Holiday Rental

10 questions to ask before you book a holiday rental

When booking holiday home accommodation in Sydney, the first thing to look for is whether or not the property you are interested in is represented by a holiday rental specialist or by an owner directly. If you are booking through an owner-manager (aka FRBO or for rent by owner) you may be opening yourself to multiple inconvenient risks (e.g. double or overlapping bookings equaling in your booking being cancelled, and ultimately affecting your travel plans, lack of standards, poor or no response to problems, etc.) or far more significant issues such as blatant deception and fraud.